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Main centre

South East DriveAbility (SED) is clinically led by a Consultant Occupational Therapist Practitioner.

The main centre is located in Aylesford, near Maidstone with outreach services currently offered in East and North Kent and East Sussex.  An outreach centre in South East London is in the planning stage.

SED offers a full range of services, including clinical and expert advanced driving assessment and advice to a client base that spans the generations. Services are specifically focussed on clients who present with a range of clinical needs, including wheelchair users, to retain vehicle mobility through discrete, individual assessment of a person’s ability to learn, return to and/or continue to drive safely after a medical condition/disability.

Assessments are carried out by occupational therapists and driving advisors with experience in the field.

Our Main centre is accessible by road with good motorways links, is fully accessible and offers a spacious waiting area and ample client parking. A portable hearing loop is available to assist clients with hearing impairment. Administration regarding appointments, information and advice including accessibility and opening hours for our outreach services are carried out at the main Aylesford centre.

South East DriveAbility 
First Floor, Aylesford Logistics Centre, Bellingham Way, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 6XS 

0300 0134 886 
0300 0134 887
  • Car driving assessment
  • High Tech driving adaptations (including drive from wheelchair)
  • Group 2 vehicle assessment (LGV & PSV)
  • Driver/passenger access/seating assessment
  • Wheelchair/scooter loading assessment (including WAV)
  • Electric wheelchair/scooter driving assessment
  • Driving tuition service
  • Older driver improvement
Satellite centres
Bexhill on Sea